Banking for Life’s Milestones

Ovid Betoch Bank S.C

(Under Formation)

Discover our story…

Ovid Betoch Bank will engage in broad-based capital mobilization and channel this capital to financial services that will benefit its customers, shareholders, and our nation

Ovid Betoch Bank

Ovid Betoch Bank S.C. (Under Formation) is established to provide banking services under the Ethiopian Commercial Law Article 245, Banking Business Proclamation No. 592/2000, and the amendment Proclamation No. 1159/2011.

Will be Profitable

The bank aims to generate healthy returns for its shareholders, be accessible and inclusive in the banking services it offers, and contribute its part to lessening our nation’s serious housing shortage.

Investing Now is a Smart Move

Therefore, we respectfully invite you to become our shareholder and participate in this honorable venture that will also be a very profitable one.

why Ovid betoch bank?

Consider these…


Economic Growth

Numerous studies and data indicate that Ethiopia’s economy is growing and will continue to grow. Some factors for this growth include expansion of the construction sector, development of industrial parks, and foreign direct investment incentives. Rapid urbanization is also a phenomenon that has been happening alongside the growth.


The Role of the Banking Sectors

Banks have played a positive role in this growth by:

  • Mobilizing deposits
  • Providing personal and business loans
  • Facilitating international trade
  • Offering returns on investments for their shareholders
  • Creating jobs for citizens, and
  • Generating tax revenues


However, the housing crisis continues.

  • Access to housing finance services is still poor.
  • When available, it is often not inclusive.
  • There is a serious mismatch between the financial resources needed for the housing construction sector and the available supply
  • As a result, the problems of home ownership continue to fester