Investor Relations

authorized by the National Bank of Ethiopia to sell shares starting January 2024

Ovid Betoch Bank respectfully invites you to be one of our early shareholders


Total Shares Offered

(20 BILLION birr in value)

This will enable us to be better positioned to deliver on our promise of creating a bank that is inclusive, accessible, and profitable.


Minimum Shares Sold to One Shareholder

(200,000 birr in value)

Another sign of our desire to be accessible to a broader sector of our society.


Maximum Shares Sold to one Shareholder

(1 biillion birr in value)

Come talk to us and let’s discuss how investing in Ovid Betoch Bank may be one of the best investments in Ethiopia

5 billion Birr

Total Paid-Up Capital Needed to Start Operation

Considering the potential upside for our shareholders, and how fast our shares have started to sell, we believe we will reach this milestone sooner than later.

We encourage you to come talk to us to learn more about this exciting opportunity

Please download and read our Prospectus to get additional information about Ovid Betoch Bank S.C. and this initial public offering of shares

You can also download below the Application Forms to Buy Shares as an Individual or as a Company

After you complete the correct application form (individual purchase or company purchase), please go to one of the banks that are serving as our agents to deposit the purchase price plus the 5% service fee. You can download a file with the list of our agent banks and correct bank account numbers above.

ያስተውሉ፡ ሊገዙ ከሚፈልጓቸው ጠቅላላ የአክሲዮን ዋጋ ላይ 1/4 ኛውን (ወይም 25%) ብቻ በቅድሚያ በመክፈል አባል መሆን ይችላሉ። ቀሪውን ገንዘብ ባንኩ ሥራ ከሚጀመረበት ቀን ጀምሮ በሁለት ዓምት ውስጥ ከፍለው ማጠናቀቅ የችላሉ።